ENERGY PLUS synthetic waterproofing thermoreflecting membrane

Starting from the principle that the energy of light electromagnetic radiations can be preserved, it is possible to deduce how the energy absorbed by a terrestrial body contributes to its heating while the reflected energy is dispersed in the surrounding environment. As concerns a roofing the question is rather similar, since the waterproofing membrane, subject to the action of solar light, heats by the effect of the absorbed radiant energy. Starting from the principle that the energy of light electromagnetic radiations can be preserved, it is possible to deduce how the energy absorbed by a terrestrial body contributes to its heating while the reflected energy is dispersed in the surrounding environment.
As concerns a roofing the question is rather similar, since the waterproofing membrane, subject to the action of solar light, heats by the effect of the absorbed radiant energy. The heat is therefore partially transmitted to the underlying elements, contributing to the increase of the internal temperature of the building.
The use of waterproofing membranes with light colours and high reflectance index (high albedo index) reduces the absorbance of radiant energy thus contributing to the reduction of heat flow toward the internal part of the building.
FLAGON Energy Plus is an innovative range of thermo-reflecting membranes with high reflectance index set up by Flag S.p.A. for visible covering.
A waterproofing solution that is qualified as efficient choice for passive cooling of the buildings, a significant contribution to the fight against urban heat islands and to protect natural resources.

The benefits of a FLAGON ENERGY PLUS membrane for people and environment can be summarised with two easy equations:

During summer months white FLAGON ENERGY PLUS MEMBRANES, visible, mechanically fixed or glued to the support, have a surface temperature lower than 40/45°C in comparison to a black roofing All this leads to a greater housing wellbeing reducing the use of conditioning plants, and this means also that the waterproofing membrane is subject to less solicitations due to hot-cold cycles with less contractions and elongation stress and a longer life as a consequence.

FLAGON ENERGY PLUS membranes and photovoltaic panels plants

Waterproofing membranes Energy Plus derive from the use of components with high photo-reflecting capacity. The hight reflection index of solar energy offered by FLAGON Energy Plus membranes is able to supply remarkable advantages also in case of coverings where are, or will be, installed photo-voltaic panels plants.
The yield of photo-voltaic panels is subject to a decrease by increasing their working temperature.
This reduction corresponds to 0.5% for each °C above the optimal working temperature which is assessed on 25°C.
As already seen the temperature on roofing with FLAGON ENERGY PLUS membranes in summer months could be lower then 40÷45°C with respect to the same roofing realized with a black membrane. This implies a greater yield of photo-voltaic panels, of about 5÷7%.